Case for Umai shampoo bar

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The perfect choice for an environmentally conscious solution to plastic waste, and of course petroleum free, vegan and sustainably produced, these shampoo bars are great for travellers, backpacking or the gym with this great cork case which has a snug fitting lid, leak proof and durable. Plus it also looks really good!

Unisex and a super, simple gift solution.

Holds 1 shampoo bar. Bars sold separately, but take advantage of our offer when buying a shampoo bar together with the cork carry case.

Diameter : 9cm x 5.5 cm height


Will hold 1 of the Umai shampoo bars.

Great for travelling as the shampoo bar isn't liquid so happily goes in a backpack in flight or in a gym bag with never any worry of leakage or issues at security.

Natural cork

Umai have created a collection of environmentally sounds products that are beautiful to look at, practical and lovely to use whilst always being vegan, not tested on animals and made with conviction to marine & environmental conservation.


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