Facial brush

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Get into a regular routine of dry brushing the face as it will stimulate the lymph flow and improve circulation which will result in increased oxygenation and delivery of nutrients via the improved blood flow, and will help the skin win its' renewal processes, thereby keeping it glowing, less puffy, glowing and overall more healthy looking with improved healing and cellular renewal.

Use 3-4 times a week, on clean skin after showering.  Showering can reduce the effects of what the brushing achieves so it is important to do this in the correct order.

It is a simple routine, involving using this soft comfortable brush in upward movements on the cheek and chin area, downward towards the ears when working on the forehead. always brush on dry skin. You can follow Djusie's founder, Katja Kokko here with a simple video tutorial.

Made in Germany, from soft natural goat bristle and olive wood. The bristles are sheared from the goats of Tibetan farmers whilst the wood is from very old olive trees in Europe, that are felled only when they are non productive and are cleared for the planting of new. 

Djusie is a visionary F-Beauty brand that offers a high-quality range of natural skin care products certified by Ecocert.



Djusie is a visionary F-Beauty brand offering a high-quality natural skincare. But what do we actually mean by F-Beauty?

K-Beauty, known as the umbrella term for Korean skincare, is already an institution admired throughout the world. When we first started creating Djusie, it suddenly hit us like a lightning: Why doesn’t F-Beauty exist yet?

F-Beauty stands for Finland but the other F-word, functionality, is essential too.

In Finland, we’re sometimes too good at it. We need little wakeup calls to remember the importance of self-care, indulgence, and pleasure. That’s why each Djusie product comes with a dedicated ritual. Needless to say, they are enjoyable, highly effective and simple by design.

Every movement starts with the first steps. Our ambition is not to compete with institutions like K-Beauty or make F-Beauty famous. Our goal is to celebrate our own natural Finnish way of doing things – and share the juiciest fruits with you.