Lavender pillow

Tilli Handmade
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This wonderful aromatherapy eye pillow will be your faithful companion for those little moments of rest.

Handmade, 100% linen.

Just lie back and place the weighted pillow over your eyes - nice to drift off to sleep with to get the blocking of light, hold the eyes closed and benefit from the lavender aromatherapy but for those who don't want the restriction of a full eye mask.

Everything is washable (removable pillowcase) and you can charge the scent with essential oils.

Has many uses - a weighted eye pillow, use as a sauna pillow, headrest during yoga or relaxation, place next to a child during sleep & to calm.

Wonderfull if you have a headache to remove stress.

Handmade, 100% linen, filled with natural dried lavender flowers.

Tilli Handmade is a creative studio where they make by hand a number of items in natural, organic linen, with attention to detail and the desire for everything they sell to make people happy with the design & quality.


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